Having survived the fun of graduation weekend, I embarked on the epic moving process. Though we aren't technically "moving" for 8 weeks, I am determined to get a massive head start in the organization department, especially since our move involves a huge downsizing effort. We had to sign a May lease, so, technically, we already live in New Orleans. Last weekend, we took advantage and drove down to check out our new neighborhood! We're in LOVE with our new place and the location is to. die. for. B is way excited to start classes in the fall, so now I just need a job!
We were wicked fired up to eat seafood while we still can. Along with other fabulous new NO residents, we walked down to Magazine and were sad to see that Casamento's posted hours ended 15 minutes before we arrived. We resigned ourselves to finding somewhere else (not like that's a problem on Magazine), but a local informed us that they would be open an extra hour for their last day of the season!
It was a fab weekend, and I can't wait to go back next week!
Also, last week we had a send-off shindig for this shrinker
who is spending a glamorous summer in Ecuador! It's the flouncy, flouncy. We drank margaritas and sang karaoke! It was so very! Summer in Oxford will just not be the same without that slut!
This weekend will be my and B's "eleventy-onesies" anniversary! That's together 11/married 1 years! Here we are last May, alone (minus our random tourist photog)on the beach in Costa Rica, reading our vows to the accompaniment of a punk version of REO Speedwagon's "I'm Gonna Keep on Lovin' You." Perfection!

We'll be celebrating with a fancy dinner and by purchasing a fab guest bed for our new place so we'll be all set up to host all you beautiful people!
I've done zero sewing this week, but I'm organizing a group of crafty ladies to meet weekly this summer so I will always have a bit of time to create!
I hope your summer is welcoming you! We've all had one hell of a spring! Here's to a season devoid of disaster, full of friends, fun, and sunny inspiration!